Thursday, October 21, 2010

38 weeks and holding...

DISCLAIMER: I AM ABOUT TO MAKE A PREGNANCY UPDATE. For those of you who might have a weak stomach and/or are easily offended, you can stop reading now. So today I had my 38 week OBGYN appointment, and I have some great news to report. First of all, my OB said, and I quote, "You have a great cervix." Now I'm not really sure what elevates one's cervix to the status of "great", but I was proud. Even more important than my fabulous cervix, however, was the news that I am now 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced. Dr. P said that if I don't have Lydia by my appointment next Thursday, then we will schedule an induction then. She seemed pretty confident that I would have her before next Thursday if I continue to dilate at the same pace as I am now. Now it becomes real. I could potentially have a child this time next week. That's a pretty exciting/terrifying thought. Exciting because I can't wait to be a mother and be able to hold my sweet baby, love her, comfort her when she is upset, teach her things... and terrifying because I'm afraid I have no clue what I'm doing. You don't get a practice run with these things. You get two days in the hospital with nurses and doctors to help you and then they pack you up, ship you out, and wish you good luck. I was lying in bed the other night and looked at Adam and said "Babe, do you think we'll be good parents?" He said "Yeah, I mean I think we will just have to figure it out as we go." Not exactly the vote of confidence I needed (i was hoping for a "We'll be the best parents ever!) but he was right. I think parenthood is just one of those things you have to figure out as you go. One thing is for sure, there will be lots of praying going on in the Madi household and sweet Lydia will be loved beyond belief.


  1. 1. You have 4 great examples of parenting-- your parents and his parents
    2. Surely all those classes on child development and all that work experience will come in handy
    3. You are not alone for God is with you forever and ever

  2. Hey, cute blog. I gave you the wrong address by a letter. Mine is

    Good luck!

  3. Hey friend!! Love the blog!! Now, you are officially one of my blog friends!! I guess that baby is still in the belly... I haven't gotten a call!
